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Jonathan Nielsen Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jonathan Nielsen

I am an ordinary investor, with a regular day job. I do not have time to take classes or tests or extra regulatory hoops in order to manage my portfolio, and yet I am perfectly capable of understanding that some investment vehicles are more risky than others.

As a regulatory organization, you are stepping over the line if you are stopping me from taking part in a legitimate investment fund because it is "risky" or non-traditional - as long as the investment is itself operating legally and making the proper disclosures, the risk assessment is up to me. It is completely appropriate to use these riskier or inverse funds as some portion of an overall personal portfolio. I do not want guardrails that prevent me from managing my portfolio the way I see fit.

Please do your job by cracking down on improperly managed funds, rather than trampling on the rights of individual investors.