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Jonathan Berger Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jonathan Berger

I am an individual investor that holds shares of ticker TQQQ and ticker UPRO. I am fully aware of the risks of these 3x leveraged funds, particularly the risk of how 3x daily negative returns can compound during bear markets and lead to quick losses when holding these funds. I am also fully aware of what a powerful tool these ETFs are in building wealth when used correctly as a part of a greater portfolio strategy. No restrictions should be put on trading these types of leveraged index funds just because of how powerful they are. The market participants who trade or hold them should be responsible enough to educate themselves about how these funds work and the derivatives they hold and how those markets operate. There should certainly be no net worth requirement or special approval process from a broker. ETFs are public investments made available to all not just the wealthy. The American stock market is a truly democratic institution because anyone can open an online brokerage account, fund it with very little money and immediately seek out the opportunities provided by tools such as TQQQ and UPRO. If these funds are restricted in any way it would truly be changing America to be less of a democracy.