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Jon Powell Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jon Powell

I hope this letter finds you well! Thank you for taking the time to consider retail investor's side of the disturbing issue that has recently been brought to my attention.

Securities such as SQQQ and TQQQ among many other leveraged and inverse funds should not be restricted from trading or limited to only a select group of traders. The financial system is already leveraged in favor of large money. It is not enough to have everything, now they want to take away the few things retail still has left. Only they want to take away retail trader's ability to potentially make money and survive in the face of ever increasing prices. Further leveraging things in their favor, further decreasing any small chance a retail investor may have to stay afloat.

It is important to not allow this to happen because as we know once something is taken away it is gone forever and the door is wide open for many more intrusive and limiting/otherwise damaging control measures will follow. Slowly but surely the stock market will self destruct and become a defunct game that used to be cool until it was ruined like everything else.

These restrictions must be stopped in their tracks before there is nothing left to protect.