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John Wolfe Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

John Wolfe

I was alarmed to hear regulations are being considered by FINRA, which would severely restrict my being able to buy leveraged or inverse funds to invest for my family! The wonderful thing about Inverse or Leveraged Funds is that I can capture the same returns with 1/3 less Capital outlay A typical real life example for me would be if I... When I Invest 10,000 into 3X Inverse/Leveraged ETF and it earns 9% = $900 Return... Conversely, to earn that same $900 in a regular, similar ETF thats NOT a 3X ETF looks like-- WOULD NEED $30,000 into Regular ETF and it earns 3% = $900 Return... NOW I would need 3X THE CASH ***30K vs 10K only, to earn the same $900!!! The Govt. restricting access to this investing opportunity by exercising undue regulation, would be a severe limit on my abilities to invest for my familys future, by requiring THREE TIMES the amount of Funds to earn the same return for my family!! This sure seems like Govt Overreach when you try to limit private citizens on the ability to invest their own funds at their own risk, for their own family Please STOP this unnecessary regulation on hard working families to invest for their families!! Sincerely, John and Sonia Wolfe [REDACTED]