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John Troxel Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

John Troxel

I do not need any governing body deciding for me how to invest. There didn't seem to be any concern over how retail investors spent their money in the stock market until January of 2021. Institutional investors repeatedly creating systemic risk by their gambling with derivatives are an actual imminent threat to our markets. They are the ones who need significantly more regulation and criminal penalties for their flagrant misconduct. Retail investors do not need to be treated like children, we do not need a test to prove knowledge about investing. We do not need our hands held, we do not need restrictions to our investing choices. What we do need are the elimination of payment for order flow. We need to ban high frequency trading and dark pools so that we have equal access to accurate price discovery. We need effective regulation of derivatives to prevent another market crash like 2008. We need criminal penalties for market manipulators who engage in schemes like "short and distort" and naked short selling. Regulation of our investment choices will only succeed in eroding any remaining faith retail investors have in markets, and then you will likely see a collective withdrawal from the stock market altogether.