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John Rerick Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

John Rerick

To Whom it May Concern,

One of the beautiful and necessary conditions of good investment options is a free market. A free market allows all people the opportunity to invest in the same equities - whether you are a millionaire or a recent high school graduate with your first part time job. Pro Shares provides the everyday man the ability to invest in inverse funds and balance their portfolios as they choose. Regulators do not get to decide if the everyday investor is capable of understanding inverse funds. The governments job is not to enact vague rules that create obstacles to everyday investing. Rather the very role of government is to create a space and path that allows for all investors to have an equal playing and investing field before them. I hope you consider my thoughts and comments as well as the others who believe that having access to Pro Shares funds is a vital part of their growing investment portfolios.