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John Meder Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

john meder

It is absolutely shocking to me that, having ignored the egregious behavior by so-called advisors towards their clients (specifically because FINRA has NOT insisted they act as sworn fiduciaries), FINRA now wants to tell individual investors making informed decisions on their own what they can and cannot do. These are existing, publicly traded securities (vs things like PRIVATE REITS, SPACS, etc which FINRA ALLOWS) with all sorts of information available and should NOT be policed by FINRA. PLEASE STICK TO YOUR STATED MISSION--GETTING RID OF MY OPTIONS AND TAKING AWAY MY CHOICE IS N O T PROTECTING ME AND NOT FACILITATING VIBRANT CAPITAL MARKETS ( FINRA is dedicated to protecting investors and safeguarding market integrity in a manner that facilitates vibrant capital markets. FINRA is dedicated to protecting investors and safeguarding market integrity in a manner that facilitates vibrant capital markets.)