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John McMillan Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

John McMillan

I disagree with the proposal to restrict access to leveraged or inverse funds for several reasons:
1. It is not the government's responsibility to tell me what I am capable of investing in. It is my money, my risk.
2. It is my responsibility to determine if an investment is right for me, and to understand benefits and risks.
3. it is not the government's role to assess or test me on my financial acumen regarding public investments, or for that matter, limit my freedoms in this way.
4. I use leveraged and inverse funds to hedge my investments and they play an important role in my strategies.
5. it's not the brokers responsibility to approve my investing actions, nor the governments.
6. stop imposing limits on small accounts that you would not impose on high net worth individuals. keep the playing field level.

stay out of my portfolio and my business