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John Lupomech Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

John Lupomech

I have been investing on my own for most of my adult life through a process that uses all means available to learn about the best methods and options to secure my family's future.

Investing is always risky, markets do not always continue to go up. However, through the use of leveraged funds I have an opportunity to boost my results above typical market returns while taking into consideration that these funds are only a complement to my overall investment strategy. I allocate their use with a small segment of my overall investments fully understanding the inherent risks.

Adding unnecessary restrictions feels like a way to add a middle man to the process which will inherently decrease the value to me as an investor due to the increased cost of implementation in order to benefit a third party.

Could these funds be used inappropriately, absolutely. However, I don't feel that it is FINRA's responsibility to be the watchdog for individual investors who are most likely to make use of these tools. Adding testing, approval by a brokerage firm or additional burdens on investors appears to be a fairly big reach into our personal financial choices.

Thanks for your consideration.