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John Cross Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

John Cross

I am writing to ask that you do not put investment restrictions on individual investors with regards to leveraged funds and inverse funds. These funds are safer than taking out margin in my brokerage account to leverage up my positions. Inverse funds are great for portfolio management at times like this when the stock market is over valued and the federal reserve is raising interest rates. It is not fair to make us individual investors take a test to prove our knowledge and understanding of the risk of investing in leveraged and inverse funds. We don't need to get special approval from our broker. We don't need to demonstrate a high net worth. We don't need to attest to reading certain materials. And, We don't need a cooling-off-period during which we can't invest in leveraged or inverse funds. Please do not put further restrictions on us individual investors with regard to investing in leveraged or inverse funds. Thank you for reading this message.