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John Bayer Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

John Bayer

I strongly disagree. I do not believe that the government should be telling us how to invest our money. This is no different than having the government create a tax that we would pay and then entrusting legislatures to repay as an annuity. Please tell me how that has worked???
I use both bull and bear leveraged ETF's as a means to control losses (insurance for other investments).
I also implement 2x-3x ETF's as a small (less than 4% of total portfolio) cost-averaging in & out to invest in large market cycles to profit from those large up or down moves.
I would prefer that you spend your time controlling individual citizens' diets to eliminate obesity. Would be much better for human life and happiness. Also, please stop giving money to people unless they have earned it. I think we all know that does not create good, honest behavior.
Thank you and have a good day ... John Bayer