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John Baskey Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

John Baskey

I oppose the proposed regulations to limit access to leveraged and inverse funds. I regularly use such investments to take advantage of key trends and, most importantly, to help manage risk in my investment portfolio. With uncertain times and high inflation ahead, having access to these investments for everyone is more important than ever. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged few - already Main St investors are at a significant disadvantage to the wealthy to protect and grow their investments to provide for their family and a comfortable retirement. Your efforts would be better spent putting (back) in place requirements for financial advisors to put the interests of their clients ahead of their own.
There are no tests or requirements for people investing in crowdfunded start-up companies, or in real estate (where many have lost much money) so singling out easy to use instruments that the small investor can use to build and protect wealth is inappropriate.
Thank you for considering my opinion - I hope it is influential in your decision.