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Joel Bender Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Joel Bender

To The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority,
I'm disappointed to learn you are considering measures to prevent or restrict my choice to purchase complex products. Even though they are a small piece of my portfolio, they are very important. They provide a hedge to balance my portfolio and reduce risk. They also outperform most of my portfolio on a short term allowing me to increase my return without disturbing core investments. They are an important part of my retirement account and I anticipate will continue to be so even after I retire. More government control will not protect me or anyone else, only I can decide how best to care for myself and my family. I can't help but wonder if this is a push from hedge fund managers to force more investors their way(?) This type of regulation only serves to shut out small investors.
Thank you for considering leaving these trades as they are and available to all investors.