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Joe Pehrson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Joe Pehrson

I am writing in regards to possible legislation which would limit the use of leveraged and inverse ETF's. I ask that you please do not limit or get rid of these ETF's. These financial instruments have given me the ability to grow my retirement account faster and provide supplemental income for my family. If you want to put an additional disclaimer that investors are required to sign, stating that they understand the risks involved, that is great, but do not take away our freedom to trade these ETFs! These leveraged and inverse ETF's are far safer than options and when traded with a plan in place, allow individuals to build their wealth responsibly and become financially stable earlier in life. Please do not take away these freedoms simply because large fund managers are paying law makers to pass such a law so that people are forced back into their funds. It has been proven that these funds underperform the market and include hidden fees, that when compounded, will short change the average American $200,000+ over a working lifetime of investing. Please allow us the freedom to trade, and don't be bought off by these fund managers. Thank you for not limiting our freedoms or taking away important tools such as leveraged and inverse ETF's. Educate where needed, but please don't take away these ETF's.