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Joan Hooper Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Joan Hooper

Public investments should be exactly that- public. As a non-professional investor should not have to go through special processes to invest in public securities such as leveraged or inverse funds. The market is already stacked against the small investor since we cannot access the 'instant' trades where the professionals make so much of their profits. The proposed regulation would be incredibly unfair, making the market even more unfriendly to the small investor. They would impose undue burdens on small investors like me. They would have the net effect of making the regulated funds only available to insiders- to professional investors.
ALL investments have some level of risk and it is the responsibility of the investor to understand those risks. I use leveraged funds for a small portion of my portfolio, where they help balance my other investments. They give me an opportunity to harvest a little extra when the markets are good. Please to not take away this small but important part of my overall investment strategy.