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Jimmy Sauz Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jimmy Sauz

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is currently considering regulation, which will restrict our rights to buy leveraged and inverse funds and dozens of other popular investments deemed to be complex. I wholeheartedly disapprove this type of regulation, as it could adversely affect market sentiment by only allowing a select few to take advantage of these leveraged and inverse funds. For example, this type of regulation would likely give the wealthy and advantage over the less wealthy (I.e., the regulation appeared to possibly allow those with a larger monetary portfolio to take advantage of these inverse and leveraged funds) by discriminating against those who are less well off. As a result, the free market would be adversely affected and thus not level the playing field. Based on the foregoing, I implore FINRA not to restrict acquisition and control of these leveraged and inverse funds.