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Jim Schad Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jim Schad

I am opposed to FINRA restricting my ability as a private citizen to purchase securities that are currently available and may continue to be available to institutions. I doubt the funds would go away they would just be blocked for retail and available for insiders once again tipping the scales in favor of the market makers. These funds help to take positions without using margin or assuming unlimited losses on a short position. The inverse and leveraged funds really aren't "complex" at all they just have larger swings based on leverage. They currently note they are not for everyone. I don't believe a net worth requirement is needed either as how do you expect the public to attain any net worth if you block the very tools that can help build net worth. Retail is not the threat. The obscured derivatives market is. Is the issue really with the products being too complex for retail to understand or the swaps behind the trades that concern you? If it's the derivatives market then regulate that rather than trying to restrict retail. You're trying to put lipstick on a pig.