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Jim Phillips Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jim Phillips

I am opposed to new rules regarding leveraged and inverse ETFs. I am a seasoned investor and conduct my own research. You should not be babysitting myself or my portfolio. There is plenty of information available already for the public to read and decide for themselves. You are stepping over the line in making this judgement that individuals need monitoring.

The cost of any bureaucracy to enforce such rules will soar beyond belief and loaded with pork and fat. Most agencies cannot manage their own affairs efficiently, yet you want to manage mine?
Leveraged funds and Inverse funds make it simpler to hedge or speculate on trends in the market. These are safer than outright short selling or entering futures markets. These vehicles have played an important role in my finances and investments. You should stay in your own lane and avoid getting innvolved in this matter. Thank you for your consideration.