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Jim Langer Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jim Langer

I should be allowed to invest my money however I wish. Retail investors are at disadvantages already due to high frequency trading, hedge funds, etc.. Retail investors already have to make up for so many things out of their control that it is sad. Regulators have insider knowledge, commercial investors can move markets, using financial planners take an unfair cut of investments and make unnecessary trades just to get commissions, inflation. The list goes on and on. Retail investors should be able to trade as they wish. The government isnt providing a saving and retirement option that is effective, sustainable, or available when needed. Let me invest however I would like. The average joe can basically only invest in the market or other low return items due to everything else requiring high upfront investments. Leveraged and inverse etfs and options are a couple of the few things that retail investors have to invest in that are low barriers of entry. Let me have a chance at getting ahead in life.