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Jill Foote Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jill Foote

Dear FINRA regulators,

I have been a professional investor for 35 years and have taught investment management to MBA students at a Tier 1 University for 20 years. During this time I have had interactions with investors at all levels of investing knowledge and experience, and believe it is imperative that all public securities remain freely available to all investors. To try and regulate who can and cannot invest in certain public securities is yet another tyrannical overreach into the private business of individuals. Furthermore, it will contribute further to the expanding wealth gap by denying predominantly lower income / less educated individuals with the right to invest in the public markets as they choose including allowing them to hedge their bets and seek enhanced returns. Finally, such proposed measures continue the government's insulting (and wrong) view that the American people are too "dumb" to understand these securities. In my lengthy experience the exact opposite is true.

Thank you for your consideration of my comments.