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Jerry Finin Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jerry Finin

I am against any and all regulations being considered by the Financial Industry that will rob or regulate a persons right to invest at any level. Everyone deserves the right we the people deserve to be able to buy cryptocurrency funds such as BITO, and dozens of other popular
investments deemed to be complex, I am total against an organization coming against the peoples right to buy, sell, trade, swap as they please with their own coins regardless of what type of coin or currency.
I am against any Passing of a regulator-imposed test of we the people on our specialized investment knowledge.
I am for any one and everyone to attain a high net worth down to the custodian worker.
I am for our brokers
I am total against cooling off periods during which I cant invest

ME not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for ME and MY family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
As it has been in the past. The average Joe or Jane needs the same right as all the elites. The old saying the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer needs to go. The system in the past was unfair and now that there is a way for the average person to leverage their coins, fiat currency in a way to obtain wealth needs to happen so we all may have an equal shot at thriving in America.
FINRA please take my comments into high consideration.

Nobody shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before they can invest in public securities, including cryptocurrency funds such as BITO that is very unfair. Please do not under estimate a person knowledge of new currencies. I am capable of understanding cryptocurrency funds such as BITO and their risks. I dont need regulators imposing measures on me or any other American.
If restrictions are in place that dont allow every American to have an equal opportunity to gain monetary wealth is a shame on America the land of the free and home of the brave.
Investing in cryptocurrency funds, such as BITO, is very important for me and my family its
an important part to my investment strategies. I have been using cryptocurrency funds, such as BITO, to achieve my financial objectives, including diversifying my investments as part of a balanced portfolio. Such as
Interval funds
Global real estate funds
Opportunistic, tactical, multi-strategy funds
Funds using derivatives for hedging or leverage
Funds using cryptocurrency futures
Defined outcome funds
Commodity funds
Exchange-traded notes
Principal protected notes
Structured Notes
Investment trusts investing in cryptocurrency
Leveraged loan funds
Currency funds
Funds selling short
Start-up company (IPO) funds
Funds investing in unlisted securities
Distressed debt funds
Absolute return funds
Funds of hedge funds
Volatility-linked funds
Non-traded REITs
Business development companies
Reverse convertible notes
Closed-end funds
Market-linked CDs
Leveraged and Inverse Funds
Variable annuities
Asset-backed securities
Target date funds
High yield bond funds
Non-traditional index funds:
Smart Beta; Quant;
Custom Index; ESG
Floating-rate loan funds
Range accrual notes
Emerging market funds
Unconstrained bond funds
Insurance-linked securities

Everyone in American or in the world deserves the right to invest in their future and the future of their children and their childrens children and their childrens children. Everyone deserves to leave a legacy of monetary wealth not just elites.