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Jeremy Ruesch Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jeremy Ruesch

To whom it may concern:
As both a financial advisor and individual investor, I am concerned that rules proposed by FINRA will limit my access to financial tools that are important to my portfolio and investing strategies. This includes leveraged and inverse funds that I use to increase my exposure and potential for gains without risking additional capital. These products are important tools that allow me to manage risk on my terms.
My brokerage makes the risk of my investments clear, and it requires a number of disclosures to be signed prior to accessing these products. The risk disclosures are a catalyst for further education and encourage me to conduct even more research to make sure I understand the products, and the best ways to use them, before making my investment decisions.
We need to make sure people have more access to a wide variety of financial tools so that people can meet their financial goals based on personal risk assessment. Investors understand that all investment products carry some risk, and they should be free to make responsible decisions on where, how, and what to invest on their terms. Adding unnecessary restrictions to leveraged funds could add additional costs, making it prohibitive for people to utilize these tools.
I sincerely hope that FINRA will take into account the perspectives of investors like me who do not want access to important financial tools restricted. I oppose any attempt by FINRA to restrict my access to leveraged and inverse funds.