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Jeffrey Cobb Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jeffrey Cobb

I am an individual investor who has invested for several years in a variety of securities, mutual funds and ETF's, including leveraged and inverse funds. My brokerage firm already requires me to confirm that I have read various warnings about and understand the risks of these investment vehicles. I consider them a USEFUL and CONVENIENT investment tool in a whole toolbox of investment options.

The last thing I want as a private investor, citizen, and as a voter, is the government limiting the range of choices and convenience with which I invest today. As long as the risks are disclosed in advance with available information as I have found them to be today, then I want to be able to conveniently make my choice as a personal consumer and investor. I do not want or see the need for more regulation and government intervention in the markets. More government intervention is not a net positive overall at this stage given existing regulations and we should be very concerned about over-regulation to where we create costly friction in our economy. Regulatory overreach creates more friction which equates to less free markets, higher costs, inflation and a stagnant economy. The last thing we need right now and in our future is a return to government induced stagflation caused by overregulation and binding up of our financial markets.

Please do not put new undue regulations on leveraged and inverse funds. Let investors take personal ownership and responsibility for their choices and decisions. We understand "Caveat Emptor" and prefer to make our own choices rather than take on a much greater risk in the long term of relying on big brother to somehow do our thinking for us under the misguided notion that the government will protect us from ourselves (which never works).