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Jeffrey Cannon Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jeffrey Cannon

To whom it may concern:

I am deeply concerned with the proposed regulation on leveraged exchange-traded funds, which would limit access or place undue burden on retail investors. Leveraged exchange traded funds are an important part of my personal retirement strategy, and without access to them, I fear that retirement will become more difficult to achieve. I use these leveraged ETFs to effectively increase my portfolio returns and make retirement more achievable.

I am a long-term investor who understands the risk associated with leveraged ETFs, and I think that it is always the responsibility of the individual investor to understand what they are investing in. Any investor that does not can make poor investing decisions, whether its a leveraged investment or not. The government shouldnt assume the place of deciding what an individual can invest in or not because there will always be poor investment choices available investors. It is up to the individual investors to educate themselves.

FINRA should encourage the education of investment products to investors, but it should NOT limit their access.