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Jeff Goldsberry Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jeff Goldsberry

FINRA , It has come to my attention you are thinking of taking my rights away in Public Securities. I have been investing since I was 12 and have a understanding of how the market works including Leverage and Inverse funds. Yes you make money and sometimes you loose money, that's life! I should be the one deciding what I want to do, not someone else's brain storm Idea.
I understand leveraged funds and I am not on borrowed money when I purchase them. (is this what your really confused, concerned about)? Some of us do not use borrowed money when invested in the public securities
I have a balanced portfolio that will be useful on retirement, and other investments I have made along the way that will be a part of my retirement.
I could go on but America was built on being free and now you are looking at controlling public investments. Are we turning into Korea, China and others as a dictatorship run country? Is this what you really want? Is this what your children and grandchildren want?