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Jay Aichelman Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jay Aichelman

CommenPlease don't limit retail usage of Leveraged and Inverse ETFs. They're actually easier to use than options/derivatives, and are incredibly useful tools for any active trader. You should not be limiting the average American's ability to build wealth in any way, as long as it doesn't cause harm to anyone else. Both of the brokerages I use have warnings for Leveraged and Inverse ETFs, and they also ask you questions about your trading experience when you first sign up and limit your access to things like options/derivatives and margin until you take their survey and are approved. These are sufficient guardrails, and you should not be punishing responsible investors for the risky behavior of the few. Frankly, the hypocrisy is palpable. The big shots on Wall Street crashed the entire world's economy in 2008 and got bailed out with barely a slap on the wrist, and here you are trying to micromanage all of retail because a handful of reckless people can't be bothered to do their due diligence. It's not mortgage fraud. We're not selling our bad assets to our customers while we take bets against them behind our backs. Leave the responsible citizens alone, and remove the 25k Pattern Day Trader limit while you're at it, please. It's the same kind of micromanagement, as far as I'm concerned. Thank you for your time.ts: