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Jason Swobe Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jason swobe

Give your standard disclosures. Bring back the short sale rule! Keep the auto close for severe drops on the indexes. Go after the cook the book companies, and the insider trading crooks but do not deny the independent traders,investors or institutional financial firms the ability to hedge or out gain the standard index. The great thing about the United States is that one can take risk to possibly make a nice reward. That is not case in many countries around the world.I respect FINRA - your task is difficult but do not let politics decide on who may invest in this or that. Why insult the general public with the preconceived notion that they will not understand the risks.That is why you give the standard disclosure form to begin with!!! I understand your possible concern. The average literacy level in the United States is between 7th and 8th grade. These adults sign for homes, apartments, cars and even sign brokerage account applications. Plus many of them vote. Maybe we need to control who they vote for?Or possibly we need to control their soda intake!Or maybe we are only going to allow these books and not those. Etc etc etc. Please do not discriminate against some because of ignorance of the whole. Thank You