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Jason Kozlowski Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jason Kozlowski

As an investor in leveraged funds, I find it upsetting, and frankly, ridiculous that regulators are investigating banning these funds in the name of protecting the consumer.

Enough with the government regulations to protect people from doing what they want with their money! Whats next, are you going to ban people from gambling away their savings unless they can pass a test first and/or show someone their bank account balance before they go into a casino in Vegas? What about the person who blows their weekly paycheck at the liquor store? Are you going to pass regulation to prevent that somehow?

People should be able to invest their money however they choose. If they make poor decisions with their money, thats on them. Darwin called this natural selection. We dont need more regulation - my brokerage (Fidelity) already makes me accept an agreement before purchasing leveraged funds. Thats plenty enough regulation.