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Jason Giraldo Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jason Giraldo

What happened to FREEDOM?
Why is my FREEDOM so regulated?
These rules are not that of a free market.
I understand leveraged funds are more risk and with that risk comes responsibility, just like alcohol. Like alcohol you can do one drunk mistake that could upheave your life, people can lose all their savings in the stock market; Anyone trading and investing in the market fully understands this, it's clear on brokerages.
If anything put regulation that people can't short more share than it out, than maybe these market disruptions won't happen and we can have a more stable and non-corrupt market. Stop penalizing us for what funds and brokerages doings; We are all adults by law and have the power to choose and vote. What happened to democracy, why is it only protesting?
Public investments should not discriminate on the investor like bonds do since I can't eve afford a bond cuz of the denomination, which they should really drop to $100 for us poor ppl, so we can get AAPL bonds which are deemed safe and get a better interest than is afforded to us.
There should be no special process or anything to invest in anything, I hate when only accredited investors can invest in something, makes me fell left out.
I like inverse funds as I am a bull trader and inverse funds go up when the underlying index is going down and using a leveraged fund helps.