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Jared Hickman Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jared Hickman

Leveraged and inverse funds have been a life-changing tool in my investment portfolio. Having access to leveraged and inverse funds has allowed me to increase gains during market rallies, as well as hedge my portfolio against multiple market corrections. I firmly believe investors such as myself should continue to have access to these valuable tools, without obstacles. Retail investors (and our families) have limited access to capital and with the cost of living rapidly outpacing wage increases, incorporating leveraged funds into our overall investment mix allows us a way to truly grow our wealth.

Before adding leveraged funds to my portfolio I was worried about being able to afford retirement at all (let alone a comfortable, worry free retirement). Now, I have my sights set on creating generational wealth to pass down to my children. Please take a moment to try and understand the magnitude of that previous statement. I never dreamed I'd be in this position.

Please, do not restrict access to these important and necessary investment options. Please allow the investors the right to choose which investments are right for us and our families. Thank you for your time and understanding.