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Jared Gosney Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jared Gosney

All I hear is consistent preaching and claims from Gary Gensler and the SEC That their primary objective is to protect me as a retail investor. Well let me say, since cryptocurrency has been in the crosshairs of Gary Gensler and the SEC, I do not feel protected as a retail investor! I feel attacked because of my choice of investment! All these moves and policies that the SEC aims to enforce threatens the growth of my investments, it most certainly does not protect them! I do understand and realize that as with any investment, there is risk. The SEC's goal is to help mitigate this risk by providing certain protections. But rather than helping, the SEC has done nothing more than destroy paved roads. The entire promise of cryptocurrency was to create a technology that could not be controlled or manipulated in any way by any government entity, And it should stay that way! It's clear that when it comes to anything related to cryptocurrency, Gary Gensler and the SEC is not out to protect any investor, their goal is clear! They wish to destroy cryptocurrency for all that it stands for and all that it is! They wish to do this because what cryptocurrency provides scares the [REDACTED] out of them! When they have had control for so long, the fear of losing it has completely turned their world upside down! Just remember, it's we the people! There will always be more of us than there are of you! You serve us! Not the other way around! Stop your attacks on anything cryptocurrency related!