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Jared Garabedian Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jared garabedian

The people / investors not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for our selfs and our families Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. As a investor it is our responsibility to understand what we invest in before we invest so the funds your looking to prohibit with restrictions from the retail investor or public investor will do more harm to the investors who invest in these funds if they are not available they offer unique protection in all different types of market environments. The importance of these investments being available to everyone keeps the market functional prosperous. We are capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks these funds can and do help the average investor protect their portfolio from unsee events without these options for protection / hedging the risk of losses will be greater. Please reconsider posing any restrictions on these funds.