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Janet Sherman Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Janet Sherman

Governmental intervention has unpredictable and unhealthy consequences for investors such as myself. I strongly oppose restrictions placed on buying leveraged or inverse funds. Investors, such as myself must be allowed to make decisions that will permit us (me) to leverage various commodities in market downturns as well as upturns. Similarly, we (I) must be allowed to buy leveraged or inverse equity or bond funds in up and down markets. These types of funds are critical to my investment strategy and my financial survival. It is wrong that our democratic government should even be contemplating intervening in ways that will especially hurt small investors such as myself. The government has damaged our society by creating trillions of debt with printing fiat that is not backed by gold. Now it wants to correct its own needs by directly interfering with the few ways small investors might protect themselves from market changes. This is wrong headed. You must stop further market manipulations, such as preventing the funds to be represented in the market. You must let me invest in ways that permit me to navigate these extraordinary economic times, else you will be perceived as nefariously hurting, not help, the small investors in these extraordinary difficult, changing times. Do not intervene by blocking leverage and inverse investment funds, as they are critical to small investor investment and financial wellness.