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James Worrall Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

James Worrall

To whom it may concern,
I am strongly opposed to any further regulation/restriction on my ability to invest in the vehicle of my choice by my government regulators. Inverse and/or leveraged funds are very useful instruments for investors in many asset classes and wealth strata. They should not be reserved for any particular clientele. That is the purpose of the available mutual funds and ETFs designed for these strategies. They, and their functional methods, are not difficult to comprehend and use. People who choose not to learn about any investment vehicle cannot reasonably blame others for their ignorance and any subsequent mistakes they make in their choices - nor should any regulatory agency presume to do so. If you would like to push for legislation to help protect small investors and return the US to a free and properly functioning stock market market, get the Glass-Steagall Act reinstated in full.