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James Lontz Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

James Lontz

Why is FINRA so [REDACTED] on stacking the deck against retail investors?! Is it because the market is getting ready to crash and only institutional investors are allowed to benefit from it? I have a significant investments in 2 inverse funds and I know the risks. FINRA is not my financial guardian and I do not need any extra regulation imposed on me. This is the second time I've had to speak out against this kind of asinine regulation in the last 6 years. If this goes forward I will absolutely pull my entire portfolio out of the American market and invest somewhere else that isn't so worried about the little guy making some money. Furthermore, I will ensure this receives A LOT of attention through all available social media platforms. It goes without saying that this type of regulation only serves the super wealthy and should not go forward or be pursued in any way in the future.