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James Jencarelli Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

James Jencarelli

To the team at FINRA,

While I certain appreciate our regulatory system constantly looking to protect consumers and prevent fraud to ensure there is integrity in our financial system, I ask that you please avoid placing restrictions on our ability to invest. Limiting access for everyday investors (like myself) to funds like inverse or leveraged funds and only allowing those who already are extensively wealthy is doing a disservice to our country. American markets should benefit all Americans, yet too often we place restrictions on certain assets in the name of "protecting" people, but in reality they only end up serving to make the wealthy even richer. I would be happy to speak with anyone at FINRA as to why I believe it's important for us to have access to a wide variety of investments for a truly diversified portfolio that sets my family up for success in the future. Thank you for your service and for reading through my comments.
