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James Danovich Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

James Danovich

I understand that regulators are interested in restricting my ability to invest in certain investments.

With the plethora of information on the internet and other places, I firmly respect an individual's right and responsibility to invest as one feels appropriate for their needs.

I have, and am using leveraged and inverse funds as a way to hedge against wild market swings - such as we are currently experiencing.

As a late comer to saving for retirement - and knowing that in the long-term markets do rise, I have been able to boost retirement savings using leveraged ETFs.

Knowing that Social Security is in serious jeopardy of long-term solvency, all investors should be able to use any and all tools available to save/invest for their future financial security.

Putting in roadblocks, such as specialized testing or other restrictive measures will only limit what tools responsible investors will have.

I strongly reject further government intrusion in this area of my life and hope that FINRA allows continued access to any and all investors whichever investments they deem appropriate for themselves.