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James Chubb Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

James Chubb

I am fully aware of the risks and dangers of leveraged funds. I value the freedom to chose the public investments that I deem correct. I use these funds sparingly to mitigate risk or to correct an obvious to me, imbalance. I am strongly opposed to government regulation of free participation in these investment vehicles which have a way of teaching harsh lessons to the foolish. And hedged great rewards to the prescient. Is it the governments job to protect people from their naiveté? I've found the 2 and 3X ETFs useful and valuable at the right time, in the right place and not very often or with very much risk money involved. Do you know what financial loss is like? It's like being punched in the face by Mike Tyson. It wakes you up to reality and only needs to happen once.