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Jacob Penner Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jacob Penner

I do not think that it is the job of the regulators to restrict my ability to invest in leveraged or inverse funds. The regulators or government should not burden me with restrictive tests or limit me from participating in investments that the more privileged enjoy. It is not the job of the regulators or government to tell me how to invest in a free market. By being able to participate freely in the stock market I can now chose to build my portfolio with lower risk, medium risk, and higher risk stocks. It has been obvious in the past that the elite, privileged, and the ones that want to regulate me use these same type of a stocks to help grow and hedge their investments. Do not limit my abilities to trade in the free market, restriction of my trade potential is a restriction on my rights. I have used leveraged stocks to grow my investment and use the returns to buy lower risk stocks that I would not have been able to do other wise. As always as an American I believe the government and its regulators should not interfere with my wishes and should acknowledge that the Constitution and Bill of Rights are there to restrict the government (and those who wish to regulate on behalf of the government) and not to restrict its citizens.