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Jack Hamilton Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jack Hamilton

I should have the right to invest my money in any public investment I choose. I should not have to be tested or other unnecesssary requirements to purchase public investments.
I purchase these investment only when recommended by the investment new letter I follow, so they are a limited part of my investments.
When I invest in. Options I only use those at level 2, which is as high as the regulators will permit in an IRA. I need no more restrictions placed on my ability to invest. These restriction are placed on me it would appear, by my broker due to regulator requirements. I trade in several accounts and have level 2 options in all but one, and due to the application process my broker has never given me permission in level 2, so I can trade in my wifes IRA account. This has restricted my ability to maximize profits because I cant use vertical calls ( Puts) in that account.
I just dont think I need more obstacles in my investing.