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J W Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


Here's the deal, the claim of attempting to protect retail investors is not what will actually happen with your purported outline. By limiting the scope of exposure to "complex products" and other ETPs you are actually suffocating the ability for retail investors to gain the same access to investment strategies which specifically can facilitate the ability limit risks at the cost of benefits. The claimant of "we're limiting risks" by slashing out who can access the products potential benefits actually means you directly increase risks to people who would be barred access to risk limiting strategies which is the fundament underlying strategies of ETPs among other complex products. In addition to this fact, some of the ETPs and complex products you have listed are some of the most actively liquid funds in the market, by limiting retail access to them you are pushing further credit restrictions on the retail sector which may force even more extreme risk taking strategies which could be considered borderline if not illegal. Would FINRA care to disclose how many pump and dump crypto strategies have already happened within the last 3 years to retail traders across the globe through overleveraged big $ holders selling ads that FINRA has prosecuted??? Retail had no access to the complex products offered specifically on those false "securities" and often 100's of thousands of accounts get wiped out through the volatility created through limited access and leverage offered to only a select few trading those items. By slashing out and limiting strategies offered to the retail sector to learn and use you are trying to facilitate and undermine the very principles of investment strategies and peoples ability to obtain economic freedom.