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Hugh Higgins Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Hugh Higgins

This proposed rule restricting my right to invest as I please seems a clear violation of my right to control and administer my own resources. I try to diversify my investments, for my holdings as a retiree are quite meager and I cannot afford to take big risks. At present I own only one fund involved partially in cryptocurrencies, and regard it as just a normal part of my portfolio. Why would you take away my ability to handle my own investments? Passing a test in order to invest seems to me a horrible precedent. What next, tests on consumers to make sure they know how to choose healthy food? A regulation-burdened society is not a healthy society, witness Communist China. I hope you will withdraw the proposal of this S7-24-15 rule to reassure me that I live in "the land of the free and the home of the brave."