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Hou Wong Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Hou Wong

I don't agree with FINRA to set restriction for us to invest into stocks the public securities such as leveraged and inverse funds freely as what I have been doing to protect my investments. I and my family should be protected the right to invest in all public securities product not just the privileged.

It is extremely important for my investment in my retirement account that I have been saving and investing for good return. To protect my investment on this, as part of my investment plan, I placed 5 to 15% of my fund into hedging my investment based on different market conditions. It has been proved that it's appropriate way to maintain our portfolio in good return or minimizing loss. Restriction MUST not impose on general investors. General investors have the same need as other investors. We understand to limit the use of inverse funds to protect our investment when market declined, knowing the risk of bigger loss when market rally back. Therefore, I strongly disagree regulators to consider imposed those unnecessary measures on us. Finally, I like to reiterate we need protect our portfolio through all kinds of public traded securities and make a decent return for our maintaining good quality of life and retirment income as a whole down the road.