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Hon Wong Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Hon Wong

I oppose restrictions to my right of investment in the stock market.
1. As an experienced investor of 25 years, I have adequate knowledge of investing in public securities, including leveraged and inverse funds. No special test should be imposed on me before I can do business in stock investments.
2. I am able to choose which public investments that are suitable for me and my family. I have the freedom and right to do business in stock investment, just like all the other famous investors, e.g. Warren Buffett.
3. I realize the risks and can bear them according to my wealth stage.
4. Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies, to help hedging my potential profit and enhance my returns. It's just a limited part of my overall portfolio.
5. Now, the advance and genius trading media & platform help me greatly to response to the rapid changing market.
Therefore, no regulations should be imposed on ordinary investors. Public investments should be available to all the public fairly, not just the privileged. Thank you for your notice and perusal!