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Henry Silverio Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Henry Silverio

SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15 is unnecessary and prohibitive. Levered ETF's are a great way to invest and people who use them know the risks and rewards. Investors are not stupid and understand leverage. You do not need to place obstacles in the way of anyone who chooses to use levered ETFs in their portfolio. The SEC should not have the right to tell me what investments are or are not right for me. I should not have to pass a special test to invest in leveraged or inverse funds. Those kind of funds are important to my investment strategies. Once you have a belief that the market is moving in one direction or the other one should be able to capitalize on that move through the use of leveraged or inverse funds. We know the risks and we know the rewards. I have used leveraged funds for years and they have given me a great rate of return overall. Please do not place restrictions on investors like me or tell me how to invest. I am 68 years old and have been an investor for 35 years and leveraged funds are one of my most profitable investments over time. Thank you for considering my comment seriously before you harm me and thousands of others who use leveraged and inverse funds regularly.