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Henry Benito Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Henry Benito

I feel this is a radical proposal that is an over reach of power by our federal government dictating what instruments I can invest in. If FINRA thinks that hardworking Americans are too stupid to invest in these instruments and only the privileged should then it shows the disparity in fairness between the have and have nots.

I use inverse funds on a limited basis on a small portion of my portfolio to protect myself on a major downturn in the markets. Not having them will put my holdings at risk and I am full aware and prepared to lose every penny on an inverse fund. I didn't buy it with the expectation to get a great return and more of an "insurance" in the event my other holdings take a hit on a downturn. If I can spend thousands of dollars a year on life, auto, business and other insurances then I should be able to insure my holdings by using these funds as a hedge.

While the privileged get to hedge their positions to limit their losses on a downtown then I guess FINRA expects people that are not at that financial level yet to take the losses therefore widening the gap even further. Hasn't history shown you what happens to a society when that gap widens? Please consider your actions before you make things worse for your fellow Americans.