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Hector Castanon Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Hector Castanon


I just became aware that you are considering on adding some strict regulations regarding the purcahse of inverse funds and other investments that will affect many investors such as myself.I really hope that is not the case because in my opinon you will hurt more investors than help them. Now I can't speak for every other person that invests in the stock market obviously, but for me these type of investments help give my portolio a good balance when the market makes a big direction change like it has lately for example.

I only have three inverse funds in my portfolio out of the twenty something holdings, but just those three have kept my portfolio from going to the negative side in a big way. If I was not allowed to invest in these type of public investments I would be loosing a huge amount of money with the recent negative down turn that the stock market has gone through. I'm fairly posithve that others feel the same way, I don't believe that I can be the only investor that uses these type of investments as a hedge to protect my portfolio.

I really hope that you do not move forward with these changes. Don't make investing harder for those of us who are looking to keep from losing money just because we wouldn't be allowed to protect our portfolios from some sudden crazy turn in the stock market. Reconsider implementing these regulations, please.