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Harsimrat Kaler Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Harsimrat Kaler


I came across this information that FINRA is trying to come up with regulations that will decide on who gets to invest in which publicly available securities.

I don't see any reason why FINRA should dictate what I should or should not invest in. I should be personally responsible and liable for my decisions.

Additionally this may create an unfair advantage for privileged few and make it more difficult for the majority of remaining people to become financially free. We already see this disparity in how banks underwrite the loans and hence privileged few can easily leverage and grow their net worth, but for the rest of us we need to put in lot of effort and hard work to get to the same level.

I perfectly understand how leverage and leveraged products/funds work, so I would not like to go through any process or test to justify buying any of the leveraged products.