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Harry Capers Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Harry Capers

STOP THIS INSANITY! DO NOT PREVENT ME FROM TRADING EFTs! It's hard to believe that another agency is again wanting to control/restrict me, telling me how and what to trade. I am 64 years old, have been trading stocks since 1998 (24 years now). I am the only one that should be deciding on the risk of whatever stock or ETF that I (not FINRA) am going to invest in. I am abundantly capable of making these decisions on my own, and furthermore should NOT be subject to taking exams to prove my knowledge in the industry. Especially on the inverse and leveraged funds that are available. I want to be free to trade as I wish WITHOUT any added burdens or restrictions. This is especially true on the inverse and leveraged funds as they not only enhance my trades, but especially in retirement accounts of which shorting is not allowed to begin with. The inverse ETF's play a vital role for me and many others. Please do NOT put an additional restriction on me.