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Han-Seung Yang Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Han-Seung Yang

You plan to prevent or restrict investors from buying a broad range of public securities including the leveraged and inverse funds offered by ProShares. If these regulations are adopted, they could prevent or restrict investors ability to buy the funds. This is ridiculous, my ability to freely invest should not be restricted. I oppose limitations on my ability to buy any kind of Funds. YOU FINRA regulators do not have the authority to judge somebody's ABILITY. It is the investors right to freely access the entirety of the public securities markets without arbitrary restrictions. It is very surprised how could those guys even think about that kind of restriction in this country of FREEDOM. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. You, regulators are not one of the nobilities and we, the people are not one of the commons. We are the same one of the citizens. Please do not even think about any kind of restriction. We are living in the USA, NOT Russia or North Korea.